Sunday, December 28, 2008

Happy Holidays!

Well, Elani officially met Santa this year, much to her dismay.... We've had a great Christmas and Hanukkah celebration in our new home and hope your holidays are going well, too. Elani is almost walking and has already taken about 4 consecutive steps. She continues to dazzle us and make us laugh with her crazy antics and expressions.

To see more photos from December, click here:


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

We just spent 5 days on the Lost Coast in Petrolia, California. It was our first family getaway since we visited family last June, and it was wonderful: beautiful weather, good food and friends, and plenty of reasons to be thankful. For some Thanksgiving photos including a series of Elani on the beach, click here:
We hope you had a great Thanksgiving, too!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Elani is ONE!

Yes, Elani's first birthday was on November 13, 2008. We had a joint celebration of our birthdays, engagement, and new home on the 15th. If you'd like to see photos of the month and the birthday party, click here:
Elani is such a monkey! She climbs up, around, in, and over just about everything and enjoys every minute of it. She's standing for longer periods but hasn't taken that fateful first step yet; it could be any day now, though.... Her vocabulary (or our comprehension of her words) grows daily as well. "Baby," "Dog," "This," "That," "Uh-oh," "Yes," and "I like it" are some of the things she mumbles regularly along with her baby babble. Her personality continues to dazzle us and we couldn't be happier; she's the most easy-going, lovable, cuddly, happy girl we know. If you haven't seen her (recently), please come for a visit!!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Yes, Elani (Ladybug) and Kyla (Monkey) had a great Halloween together in downtown Felton. We passed out treats at the clinic and let the girls play! For more photos of Halloween and more, click here:
Here's a cute video of the girls playing in the clinic's lobby (please pardon my loud, somewhat annoying baby voice....):

We hope you had a great Halloween!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Elani is 11 Months Old!!!

This picture was taken on 10/13/08, her 11-month "birthday." These are getting harder to take as she will NOT stay still for long!
Elani is now standing for longer periods, climbing into and onto everything, climbing up and down things, babbling sentences that sort-of make sense (to us, anyway), walking with her walking toy, and feeding herself with a spoon! We're planning her first birthday party now and hope many of you can join us! For more photos of the past month, click here:

Here's a cute video of our trip to the pumpkin patch on Sunday, October 19th:

Here's a funny video of Elani eating, raspberrying, babbling, and pooping: the full repetoire!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Elani Can Walk (with assistance)!!!

Here's Elani pushing a wooden mower-like toy (from Mum & Pop) across the room. She does this effortlessly (until it bumps into a stationary object) and often! She's also standing for longer periods (5+ seconds) without holding on to anything. Those first little steps seem dangerously close!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Elani Climbs a Ladder!!

Monkey-girl can't walk yet, but she sure can climb; check it out! (This was taken a day before she turned 10 months...)

Elani is 10 1/2+ Months Old!

It's hard to believe that she'll be 11 months old in only 11 days, but it's true! (I'll try to post sooner next time--promise!) Elani is an absolute joy: she's not yet walking, but climbing like crazy, barking and hooting like a monkey, giving hi-5s, clapping her hands, saying "Yeahhhh!!!" whenever she or someone else does something great, giving juicy kisses, cuddling closely, snuggling with her favorite stuffed animals, and being a super cute, happy, fun baby girl. She even said "Hi, Daddy" last night during the debates (I think she wanted to distract us....). If you'd like to see more pictures, follow this link:

I have some great videos, too, but they failed to upload into the album. I'll see what I can do....

Monday, August 25, 2008

Elani is 9 Months Old!!!

I know it's been WAY TOO LONG since my last post, but suffice it to say that I'm posting from a new laptop (may my old one rest in peace). Elani is now eating LOTS of solid foods, crawling EVERYWHERE, pulling herself up onto EVERYTHING, talking a lot (including working on the words "dog," "yes," and "hi," and practicing barking), waving at people when they say "hi" or "bye," climbing the stairs (she went straight up 21 without even blinking...), teething (she has two 1/2 in on the bottom), and being a genuinely happy, joyful, wonderful baby girl. She's getting bigger every day and keeps amazing us with her climbing skills and love of water (we call her our little mountain goat-monkey-fish girl).
If you'd like to see more photos and video from the last two months, click on the following link:

Monday, July 14, 2008

Elani is 8 Months Old!!!

Yes, Elani is now 8 months old and is crawling, pulling herself to standing, and even climbed up one stair two days ago! Her bottom front right tooth is also coming in. Aside from moving in (still), we're quickly baby-proofing the house and trying to stay one step ahead of her. I'm also filtering through and editing the 840 photos from March-June and will have more links up soon-ish. Take care!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

2 Photos from Father's Day

Here are some great photos taken by Jordan's friend's wife (aka Michelle) on Father's Day. Enjoy!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Whoa! It's been three BUSY months!

Since the last post, we bought a house, took a month to move, tried to settle in, worked, and took care of Elani. We're still not fully settled, but I tried to upload photos a few weeks ago and, unfortunately, my computer screen went black!!! We're now visiting family in Philadelphia and, fortunately, Jordan's mom took some great photos a few days ago and sent us the picasa albums. Here they are:

You'll see Elani's cousins, uncle, "Pop," and "Mum" as well as us in the photos. I have HUNDREDS of photos and videos sitting on my camera, waiting for me to get a new monitor so I can sort through and post them for you. I promise this will happen before too long.

In short, Elani turned 7 months old on Friday, June 13th and is now saying "Mama (or Ma)," "Dada (or Da)," "Ba," "Ga," and other consonant-vowel combos. She can sit up without support (and can get to a seated position by herself), has started to crawl, has been eating solid foods for about 5 weeks, and LOVES the water. She just had her first pool experiences this week and was as happy as she could be (I'll upload videos later, but there are some photos in the albums above). Until the next post, take care and enjoy Lynn's (aka "Mum") slideshows!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Elani is 4 Months (& 1 week) Old!

Yes, it's true: Elani turned four months old last Thursday, March 13th. I would have posted earlier, but we're buying a house and the last 2 weeks have been crazy!!! Elani is still a very happy baby, sleeps well at night (and has even given us 8+ straight hours of sleep a few times), loves to laugh, and has discovered her voice. She squeals in delight, coos, and makes some funny high-pitched sounds as well. She's started to roll over (as you can see in one of the videos on the web album below) and loves to play with her toys and interact with others. For more photos of the past month and two videos, click here:

Monday, February 18, 2008

Elani is 3 Months Old!

On February 13th, Elani officially turned 3 months old! She gets more interactive each day and loves cooing, belly laughs, drooling, and blowing bubbles/making raspberries with her mouth! To see some more pictures of her (including her first fever--boo hoo) and a video of her activity time, click on the following link:

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Elani's First Trip to the Snow!

As you can see, Elani was happy to get all bundled up for the snow! We had a great time taking her to Tahoe with seven other adults and Kyla, her best friend. To see those photos and a couple extras, click here: Be sure to watch the sledding videos!
In other news, Elani is now 2 months and 3 weeks old. She loves interacting with people, playing on her activity mat, relaxing in her vibrating bouncy chair while staring at kissing fish and bubbles, and being with Mom and Dad. She's much better at grabbing things (especially Mom's hair!) and is reaching for and holding onto her toys and rattles. She's also drooling all over everything now and we're finally using all those cute bibs we got as gifts--thanks everyone!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Elani is 2 Months Old!

It's hard to believe that 2 months have passed, but yesterday (Jan. 13th) was Elani's official "birthday". She is so much fun now: she smiles big, coos a lot, likes to explore her surroundings, and is very good tempered. If you want to see more photos and a short video of her playing in her activity gym, click on the following link: Enjoy!

Comparing Elani: One & Two Months

These two photos were taken on the same dog blanket one month apart. (See the Elani at 4 weeks post for more...)

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy 2008!!!

Elani in her party clothes and hat: Elani and Ruby wish you a very happy new year and hope your festivities last night were safe and fun. To see our little party and some pictures of a hike in the redwoods and elephant seals at Ano Nuevo, click on the following link:
(Ruby likes to be festive and dress up, too!)