Since the last post, we bought a house, took a month to move, tried to settle in, worked, and took care of Elani. We're still not fully settled, but I tried to upload photos a few weeks ago and, unfortunately, my computer screen went black!!! We're now visiting family in Philadelphia and, fortunately, Jordan's mom took some great photos a few days ago and sent us the picasa albums. Here they are:
You'll see Elani's cousins, uncle, "Pop," and "Mum" as well as us in the photos. I have HUNDREDS of photos and videos sitting on my camera, waiting for me to get a new monitor so I can sort through and post them for you. I promise this will happen before too long.
In short, Elani turned 7 months old on Friday, June 13th and is now saying "Mama (or Ma)," "Dada (or Da)," "Ba," "Ga," and other consonant-vowel combos. She can sit up without support (and can get to a seated position by herself), has started to crawl, has been eating solid foods for about 5 weeks, and LOVES the water. She just had her first pool experiences this week and was as happy as she could be (I'll upload videos later, but there are some photos in the albums above). Until the next post, take care and enjoy Lynn's (aka "Mum") slideshows!!