Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Elani is 11 Months Old!!!

This picture was taken on 10/13/08, her 11-month "birthday." These are getting harder to take as she will NOT stay still for long!
Elani is now standing for longer periods, climbing into and onto everything, climbing up and down things, babbling sentences that sort-of make sense (to us, anyway), walking with her walking toy, and feeding herself with a spoon! We're planning her first birthday party now and hope many of you can join us! For more photos of the past month, click here: http://picasaweb.google.com/MamaJenWag/OctoberDownloads#

Here's a cute video of our trip to the pumpkin patch on Sunday, October 19th:

Here's a funny video of Elani eating, raspberrying, babbling, and pooping: the full repetoire!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Elani Can Walk (with assistance)!!!

Here's Elani pushing a wooden mower-like toy (from Mum & Pop) across the room. She does this effortlessly (until it bumps into a stationary object) and often! She's also standing for longer periods (5+ seconds) without holding on to anything. Those first little steps seem dangerously close!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Elani Climbs a Ladder!!

Monkey-girl can't walk yet, but she sure can climb; check it out! (This was taken a day before she turned 10 months...)

Elani is 10 1/2+ Months Old!

It's hard to believe that she'll be 11 months old in only 11 days, but it's true! (I'll try to post sooner next time--promise!) Elani is an absolute joy: she's not yet walking, but climbing like crazy, barking and hooting like a monkey, giving hi-5s, clapping her hands, saying "Yeahhhh!!!" whenever she or someone else does something great, giving juicy kisses, cuddling closely, snuggling with her favorite stuffed animals, and being a super cute, happy, fun baby girl. She even said "Hi, Daddy" last night during the debates (I think she wanted to distract us....). If you'd like to see more pictures, follow this link: http://picasaweb.google.com/MamaJenWag/BlogAlbumAugSept08#

I have some great videos, too, but they failed to upload into the album. I'll see what I can do....