Preparation Time: 40 Weeks & 2 Days (should be done by 11/13/07 at 7:46pm)
Ingredients: Plenty of love, patience, and strength
To make: Let nature take its course for roughly 9 months and make sure you eat well and stay healthy for that duration. Then, go through 13 hours of unmedicated labor, push for 4 hours without any pain relief, wait one hour, then top it all off with a 2-hour c-section.
Results: In the end, you'll have a beautiful, 7lb 15oz baby girl, an exhausted mom who's happier than she's ever been in her life, and a proud and loving papa.
If you'd like to see more about this recipe, please view our picasa web album at:
O my!! She is soooo cute!!! Congratulations to both!!! You two look so good with Elani. Perfect mama and papa. I can't wait to meet her.
AWESOME!!! Elani is beautiful and a very lucky girl to have such terrific parents. Enjoy your time together!
- Leslie
Oh wow, you two. She is so beautiful. Jodi and I are so happy for you! Congratulations!
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